Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is program developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure that contractors and suppliers handling sensitive information meet a certain level of cybersecurity maturity. The CMMC process involves assessing an organization’s cybersecurity practices and awarding a certification based on their maturity level.

Certification Levels

The CMMC program consists of five certification levels, ranging from basic cyber hygiene practices advanced cybersecurity capabilities. These levels are:

  1. Level 1: Basic Cyber Hygiene
  2. Level 2: Intermediate Cyber Hygiene
  3. Level 3: Good Cyber Hygiene
  4. Level 4: Proactive
  5. Level 5: Advanced/Progressive

Certification Process

The certification process involves several steps to assess an organization’s cybersecurity maturity and award the appropriate certification level. These steps include:

  1. Preparation: The organization must prepare for the assessment by reviewing the CMMC requirements and identifying any gaps in their cybersecurity practices.
  2. Assessment: A third-party assessor will conduct an assessment of the organization’s cybersecurity practices to determine their maturity level. The assessment will involve reviewing documentation, conducting interviews, and performing technical evaluations.
  3. Remediation: If any gaps are identified during the assessment, the organization must address these issues to meet the requirements for the desired certification level.
  4. Certification: Once the organization has addressed any gaps and implemented the necessary cybersecurity practices, they can apply for certification. The certification will be awarded based on the organization’s maturity level.
  5. Maintenance: Organizations must maintain their cybersecurity practices to retain their certification. Regular assessments may be required to ensure ongoing compliance with CMMC requirements.


The CMMC certification process is designed to ensure that organizations handling sensitive information have the necessary cybersecurity measures in place to protect that information. By following the steps outlined in the process, organizations can achieve and maintain the appropriate certification level, demonstrating their commitment to cybersecurity maturity.

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